The range of modern smartphones available is increasing at a fast rate and many consumers who would have once opted for a feature phone are now finding themselves either owning or considering a smartphone. There are a number of smartphone operating systems available to choose from but the front runners are undoubtedly the Google Android service which offers excellent models such as the Samsung Galaxy S2 and the Apple iOS system which is used by the famous iPhone.
A new report reveals that first time smartphone buyers are favouring the Android platform over other formats such as iOS and Windows. According to market research firm NPD Android devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S2 dominated the market among first time buyers in Q4 of 2011 with a massive 53% share. Apple followed in second place with 34% which left the remaining 9% to be shared between alternative platforms. The gap between Android and Apple is much closer in terms of general smartphone sales but these figures for first time buyers may not come as a great surprise. Android is the platform used by major manufacturers such as Samsung, HTC and Motorola which means that consumers have a wide choice of devices from premium smartphones like the Galaxy S2 to smaller budget devices such as the HTC Desire S. Apple simply offer the new iPhone 4S or an older version which may be a reason while Android is currently dominating. In the US the Apple iPhone runs on three of the major network providers while Android phones run on all four which means potentially more customers also have access to one of these devices.
As we previously mentioned there is a massive selection of Android handsets available to tempt consumers who are looking to purchase their first smartphone. The Samsung Galaxy S2 is undoubtedly the most well known of these models. This handset is the flagship model in the exciting Galaxy range of models and went on to become the biggest selling phone of 2011. The device boasts a dual core processor to help it deliver a very fast operating speed while the gorgeous 4.3 inch Super AMOLED display looks fantastic. First time consumers however may not be looking for such high specification on their first purchase and a more simple option is the excellent HTC Explorer. This entry level phone boasts all of the connectivity options that users look for in a smartphone but in a compact design with more basic camera and video features. There are also a wealth of models that can be classed as mid range devices including the Samsung Galaxy R which is a more basic version of the Galaxy S2 and also the hugely popular HTC Desire S.
Although the gap between Android and Apple is decreasing in terms of general sales it is evident that Android is still the platform of choice for newcomers to the smartphone scene. Models such as the Samsung Galaxy S2 offer a multitude of great features but there are plenty of cheaper models available to suit all requirements.
The Samsung Galaxy S2 and the HTC Explorer are available now.
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