Set up SafeLink's voicemail directly from your SafeLink phone. SafeLink Wireless provides cellphone service that includes voice calls, text messages and voicemail, to income-eligible customers. The service, which offers customers no-frills handsets and monthly service free of charge, is powered by Tracfone, which uses Verizon Wireless' network. You can set up and change SafeLink's automated voicemail service directly from your SafeLink wireless phone.
Power on your SafeLink wireless phone.
Press the "1" key and hold it down. Wait for the automated system to pick up the call.
Follow the audio prompts to record your new voicemail message.
Follow any other prompts to set up your voicemail box, then hang up the phone.
Check your voicemail by holding down the "1" key to listen to new messages.
You can change your recorded greeting, delete or save voicemail messages when you access your voicemail box by holding down the "1" key.
Power on your SafeLink wireless phone.
Press the "1" key and hold it down. Wait for the automated system to pick up the call.
Follow the audio prompts to record your new voicemail message.
Follow any other prompts to set up your voicemail box, then hang up the phone.
Check your voicemail by holding down the "1" key to listen to new messages.
You can change your recorded greeting, delete or save voicemail messages when you access your voicemail box by holding down the "1" key.
3 Comments for "How to Set Up Voicemail on a SafeLink Wireless Phone"
Thanks for this post. You talk very important things. Please inform me about voicemail business greetings . I am waiting for your reply.
This does not work. When I press & hold 1 I get the message that I am connecting to ATT voicemail. It asks if I am trying to leave a message or if I have an account. I've tried both options. For leaving a message I entered my cellphone #, which got me nowhere fast. It said that I did not have a voicemail account, which I already knew. If I select theother option it asks me to provide my mailbox # & says that it would have been provided to me my my system manager? I have no such thing. I have had this phone for at least 3 years & have NEVER been able to set up voicemail!
What a joke! Pressing and holding the "1" key sends me right on in to leave a voice mail. This system is BROKEN. Just because I use Safelink, does that mean that I cannot get decent support?